W. P. Carey Vendor Diversity Survey Banner
We care deeply about diversity, equity and inclusion. We are curious about how your company prioritizes these important elements of your workplace culture. This questionnaire asks about the demographic make-up of your ownership group, leadership team, employees, and vendors.

(Select all that apply. Hold "Ctrl" key to select multiple items.)
(Select all that apply. Hold "Ctrl" key to select multiple items.)

(Select all that apply. Hold "Ctrl" key to select multiple items.)
13. In case we have any questions about your company, please provide your name and contact information.

Collection of Information Notice:

By completing and submitting this form, we will collect and retain such information, including any personal information contained therein, for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes explained in our corporate Privacy Policy found on www.wpcarey.com
W. P. Carey Inc.
One Manhattan West
395 9th Avenue, 58th Floor  |  New York, NY 10001